In the News: Wealth Management

In the News: Wealth Management

Harvey is quoted on the Andy Warhol Foundation’s Supreme Court case involving copyright infringement related to photographs/portraits of Prince. The court found the transactions to be commercially motivated, not containing enough transformative quality to qualify for the fair use exception. Here’s the article, written by Anna Sulkin, Trusts & Estates magazine’s legal editor:

Making Sense of Deficits, National Debt, Inflation, and the Federal Reserve

Making Sense of Deficits, National Debt, Inflation, and the Federal Reserve

At the dawn of February 2022, the U.S. national debt climbed above $30 trillion, a figure representing 25 times the value of all U.S. currency in circulation. Simultaneously, inflation reached levels not seen in almost 40 years. While some inflation was inevitable as the economy recovers from its pandemic doldrums, the current rate has set Read more about Making Sense of Deficits, National Debt, Inflation, and the Federal Reserve[…]

In the News: GoBankingRates

In the News: GoBankingRates

Jordan Rosenfeld asked Harvey to quote on the family who earns over one million dollars a year and how they budget and spend their money. From mortgage payments, to real estate taxes, home repairs, car leases, privates schools, medical & dental expanses, travel & entertainment, and charitable contributions…everyone will enjoy Harvey’s “inside look” in this Read more about In the News: GoBankingRates[…]

In the News: Wealth Management

In the News: Wealth Management

In a landmark decision, the United States Tax Court sided with the Estate of Michael Jackson in its forceful disagreement with the IRS audit determination regarding the values of Jackson’s likeness/image and music at his date of death. Using the Income Approach to estate valuation, Jackson’s experts emphasized his tainted reputation, debt-encumbered music assets, and Read more about In the News: Wealth Management[…]